What If George Bush Told Nancy Pelosi To Act Like A Lady?

Bookmark and Share    You would think that feminists allover the nation would be up in arms if a male senator told a female member of the House of Representives to “act like a lady”.   You would think so.

I mean afterall, the phrase smacks of sexism.  It kind of conotes a sort of  “know your place” attitude.  But did you know that if the woman who a man syas that to is conservative, it’s acceptable?

Well it is.

Why else would there not be an endless array of feminazis attacking Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter for repeatedly telling Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann to “act like a lady”?

In a recent radio talk show debate, Arlen Specter found himself upset by the fact that Congresswoman Bachmann would interrupot the Senator after mischaracterizing Michele Bachmann’s statements.

In addition to Specter’s demands upon Bachmann being patronizing, they were sexist and inexcusable.  Yet the left, which is now supporting Specter, does not even bother to mention the recent politically incorrect and personally uncalled for remarks that Specter spoke.  That is typical of liberals and such hypocritical actions are to be expected from them.

As for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, she stated;

“what was really stunning, again, about that whole interchange is it’s emblematic of what the message the voters sent on Tuesday evening. The voters repudiated the arrogance that’s come out of the Democrat Party.”

“And what I heard yesterday on the radio with Senator Specter was more of that arrogance. They haven’t sobered up yet as to the reality that the people are in charge, not this very liberal majority.”

Representative Bachmann is right.  And more than that, she is a lady……a great lady who represents all that Specter doesn’t.  She stands up for principles, unlike Arlen Specter who jumps back and forth between principles and politics. 

The episode proves two things.  One; Arlen Specter is out of touch and inappropriate.  Two; liberals are hypocrites.

Ask yourself this and you will see how their hypocrisy is once again demonstrated.  What if George Bush said that?  What if Dick Cheney told Hillary Clinton to “act like a lady” ?   Would the left not castrate them and pickle their balls? 

 If Massachusetts’ newly elected Republican Senator-elect Scott Brown said something like that to California flaming liberal  Barbara “Call Me Senator” Boxer, all hell would break loose.   But alas; Michele Bachmann is a conservative woman, so it is just fine for a liberal to be a politically incorrect sexist to her.


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